Things That Go Bump In The Bog

Stacy Stefaniak
6 min readAug 31, 2023

Examining the Ritual Evidence of a Lost Civilization’s Sacrificial Rites

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Spectral mists swirl silently over the lifeless black waters, shrouding the twisted forms of long-dead trees and concealing the secrets of a bog’s murky depths. Somewhere below lie the remains of a young girl, cast into this bleak place over 2,500 years ago as a ritual sacrifice, her life offered up in pagan ritual by a forgotten people. As darkness falls, her ghost stirs from its restless slumber deep in the dank mud. The creak and groan of warped, weathered trees are her mournful cries. The wisps of chill mist are her anguished breath. In the pitch black pools, gnarled roots reach out like skeletal hands to pull the living down into her watery grave. Peering into the shadows, you can almost glimpse the spirits lurking in the bog, waiting to teach you of their ancient, occult secrets. Listen close and you may hear the bumps and murmurs of those things in the dark heart of the swamp…secrets we can resurrect through archaeological clues revealing her tragic story and the sacrificial rites of a lost civilization.

Bogs have long captivated imaginations for eons of time. Between the isolation of their strange terrain, harboring stunted life within their still waters, and the morbidity of the noxious gases and the otherworldly conditions that allow for bodies to be preserved for literally thousands



Stacy Stefaniak

Freelance Writer with a BA in English Lit and Writing. Anti Burnout Culture. Pro Human. Horror Enthusiast. Writes horror deep dives and culture think pieces